Insight 2: Skeletal muscles, aging and consequences

Gradual loss of skeletal muscle mass and skeletal muscle strength is the most insidious and perilous age change of all

In my first blog, I explained that the trajectory of the aging process depends largely on an individual’s lifestyle choices.  It is, therefore, important that every older adult understand exactly what age changes can be expected and secondly, and most importantly, how to negate or minimize them.  This blog will describe one of the most troubling and debilitating effects of aging, loss of skeletal muscle mass (also referred to as muscle size) and loss of skeletal muscle strength.  I will follow this up with insight 3 (my next blog) on what to do about these changes.  Specifically, I will detail successful strategies of progressive resistance training plus consumption of quality protein.

Muscle mass and strength decline over time

It is well established that muscle mass and strength gradually decline over time.  A starting point, although variable and depending on the daily level of physical activity, is generally denoted at about 50-60 years of age but may start many years earlier.  Loss of muscle mass, termed sarcopenia, is about 1%/year whereas loss of muscle strength, designated dynapenia, is much greater, at about 3%/year.  Unfortunately, these changes go unnoticed especially in the case of declining muscle size since fat accumulation sneaks in to replaces muscle cells that either shrink or disappear.  This is illustrated in the MRI scans shown below.  Often muscle weakness is regrettably accepted as an inevitable and unalterable age change.

Just a brief note on the terms, sarcopenia and dynapenia.  A diagnosis of either sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass) or dynapenia (loss of muscle strength) indicates that a measureable quantity of decline in muscle structure and function has been determined.  Although not set in stone, there are defined numerical “cut-off” values (e.g. values for mass of arms/legs, grip strength, force of knee extension, speed of walking or rising from a chair)  associated with each term that have been established by professional medical research groups worldwide.  If a patient undergoes an assessment in which mass and strength are quantified and the numerical values fall below the established cut-off, the physician will make a diagnosis of either sarcopenia or dynapenia or both and propose appropriate therapy to prevent a worsening of these losses.  However, the goal for the older adult should be to continuously optimize muscle size and strength so that a designation of sarcopenia/dynapenia is never obtained or even considered.

Consequences of loss of muscle strength (dynapenia) – abundant, negative, and life-shortenin

Why be concerned about loss of muscle strength?  Because this change definitely leads to:

(1) increased physical disability; decreased quality of life,

(2) increased risk of falling,

(3) shorter lifespan. 

The most destructive change induced by dynapenia is the most obvious:  reduced leg, chest, back, shoulder and arm strength/power (speed) that slow and hinder performance in all daily activities from standing to walking to lifting to breathing.  As mobility and gait speed decline so does the total level of physical activity, further accelerating the decline in strength and power.  This inevitably leads to physical disabilities, loss of independence, and reduced quality of life.  Secondly, diminished skeletal muscle strength alters posture, a change which causes unsteady balance and an elevated risk of a fall.  Falls are menacing events with a high probability of a fracture,  hospitalization and lengthy recovery.  Additionally, weakened chest, back and shoulder muscles secondarily compromise the ability to augment the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide during stressful activities e.g. climbing stairs.  A reduction in gas exchange generally slows or halts the activity and reduces independence.  Dynapenia not only translates into poor physical performance and physical disabilities but, sadly, it has been statistically associated with increased mortality (premature death).

Consequences of loss of muscle mass (sarcopenia)

Why be concerned about loss of muscle mass?  Because this change definitely leads to:  

(1) weight gain,  

(2) elevated risk for Type 2 Diabetes 

(3) cold intolerance.

Weight gain occurs because skeletal muscles burn up a lot of calories just for maintenance.  The totality of muscle mass is huge and exceeds that of all other tissues combined.  Less muscle tissue means less calories consumed by muscles and more calories converted to fat storage and hence an associated weight gain.  In addition to the increased poundage, accumulated fat in the older adult locates, for as yet poorly understood reasons, to sites (abdomen or waist area; on top of major organs such as the heart) that encourage chronic low level inflammation, a major factor contributing to tissue damage.  Clearly an unwanted effect.  Secondly, muscles are one of the prime tissue targets that readily acquire ingested sugars, a process facilitated by insulin.  Less muscle, less uptake of sugar by this tissue and more sugar remaining to circulate.  Persistently elevated sugar levels augment the risk for Type 2 Diabetes and furthermore, promote spontaneous oxidative damage (a type of tissue damage) throughout the body, another unwanted effect that accelerates aging.  Finally, an often overlooked function of skeletal muscles is heat production in the form of shivering at low ambient temperatures.  Less muscle mass means less vigorous shivering and reduction in expected warmth.  This is experienced as cold intolerance which means that at low ambient temperatures, one needs to put on more outerwear to keep warm.  This compensates for the loss of extra heat normally supplied by customary muscle mass of young adulthood.

Pictures depict loss of muscle mass 

The first illustrates the extent of muscle loss that typifies sarcopenia.  The second picture show actual data of  the cross-section of the thigh region obtained from MRI scans of 3 volunteers:  a 40 year old triathlete, a 74 year old sedentary man and a 70 year old triathete.  Triathlete are athletes who compete in the triathlon (competitive biking, running, swimming events).  In each cross-section of the thigh muscle, the small white center circle is the bone.  It is surrounded by dark material (muscle) and defined by an outer sheath.  Thigh scans of the 40 and 70 year old triathlete are remarkably similar.  However, major changes are observed with the center photo of a 74 year old sedentary man.  Muscle tissue has disappeared and the space formerly occupied by muscle cells has been replaced with adipose tissue, another name for fat.  This sobering image emphasizes the actual extent to which skeletal muscle can disappear.  Regrettably, as serious as muscle mass disappearance may appear, the associated reduction in strength is several fold greater than the observed loss of mass!

Significant loss of muscle mass

It seems reasonable to assume that if one understands the severe consequences of aging in skeletal muscle, then what must follow is both an interest and a motivation to avoid them with proven interventions.  My next blog (Insight 3) will discuss strategies that achieve this goal.

Turmeric Extracts: Treasure or Trouble?

Extracts of turmeric, the root of the Curcuma longa plant is credited with many health enhancing qualities.  These are 1) reduction of pain and debilitation of osteoarthritis, 2) inhibition of cancer growth, and 3) slowing of age-related cognitive decline, to name a few.  These benefits are the reported and marketed treasures of turmeric extracts.  Many older adults self medicate with turmeric extracts because of these claims.  However, the trouble is simply that turmeric extracts are poorly bioavailable (are not absorbed and remain in the gut) and hence the chemical characteristics of turmeric extracts prevent a meaningful biological effect. 

Historically, the initial excitement claiming turmeric extracts caused a perfusion of effects (antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, anticancer) derived from assays lacking relevant controls.  This published data persists and is abundantly quoted.  Many clinical trials assessed the benefits of turmeric extracts, but trials are small and results preliminary and controversial.

This blog will discuss the pros and cons of turmeric extracts relevant to purported health benefits in joint pain and cognitive decline, conditions of interest to the older adult.

Turmeric Extracts:  Curcumin is the Biological Component of Interest

Powdered turmeric is a popular yellow spice.  It is used on its own for its distinct flavor, as a significant component of curry powder and as a yellow food coloring.  Additionally, alcohol extracts of the turmeric root have been used for centuries as an Asian herbal remedy for a variety of health problems and is currently the form studied in clinical trials for many of those same conditions. 

The “active” components in alcohol extracted turmeric roots are chemical entities identified as curcuminoids, chief of which is curcumin.  Two other curcuminoids with slightly modified chemical structures are also present but in very small amounts.  Health benefits are predominately attributed to curcumin.  Over-the-counter (OTC) turmeric extracts contain 80% or more of curcumin.  However, the curcumin content of turmeric extracts vary from supplier to supplier.  Turmeric extracts are dietary supplements. Unlike prescription drugs, the FDA does not regulate dietary supplements for efficacy and safety.  Suppliers of dietary supplements need only follow good manufacturing practices (GMP) without governmental oversight.

Curcumin:  Poorly Bioavailable and Chemically Unstable

Absorption of curcumin into the body after oral intake is extremely poor.  In fact, the absorption of curcumin is negligible and generally not even detectable in serum even after consumption of as much as12 grams/day.  This is largely due to the chemical structure of curcumin.  It is unstable in biological fluids at biological temperatures.  Adding to this is its inability to cross the intestinal wall and its breakdown in the liver.  Consequently, it never gets into body compartments to induce a meaningful effect.

The abysmal absorption of curcumin has generated extreme interest in the development of chemical/physical modifications to enhance absorption.  In a study comparing novel formulations such as curcumin associated with fats, oils, adjuvants e.g. piperine (black pepper derivative), carbohydrates e.g. gamma cyclodextrin and micelles (nanoparticles encapsulating curcumin) only the latter two improved absorption to the extent that a metabolic product of curcumin but not curcumin, itself, was detected in the serum.  With such a weak presence in serum, it is reasonable to ask how can curcumin exert biological effects?

Turmeric Extracts – Multiplicity of Health Benefits of Curcumin?

Some of the reported beneficial effects of curcumin are “anti-inflammatory, anti-HIV, antibacterial, antifungal, nematocidal (killing nematode infection), anti-parasitic, antimutagenic (blocking DNA damage), antidiabetic, antifibrinogenic (preventing blood clots), radioprotective (protecting against radiation), wound healing, lipid lowering, antispasmodic (relieving muscle cramps), antioxidant, immunomodulating (assisting the immune system), anticarcinogenic” (Nelson et al., 2017). 

However, a critical review of the in vitro assays that support this diversity of effects indicates that the chemical instability of curcumin artificially interferes with assay results such that the results are not biological but simply artefactual (not real).  In fact, curcumin is a pan-assay interference compound.  This means that it creates havoc in assays.  It does this is by disruption of cell membranes, inappropriately binding to proteins, forming aggregates (bunching up of proteins) and/or altering the fluorescence detection readout, as some examples.  These activities are unrelated to the biological objective of the assay.  Very few studies have controlled for these unwanted and interfering effects.  Thus, exactly what biological effects curcumin may possess is not clear.

Turmeric Extracts – Clinical Trial Results

Many small studies (20-200 enrolled individuals) assessed curcumin for the treatment of osteoarthritis, cancer, and cognitive decline.  Since the results of a single small study carries little weight, researchers use a statistical approach termed a meta-analysis.  This allows the data from similar clinical trials to be added together and statistically analyzed, a technique that strengthens the final conclusion.  However, inclusion of a clinical trial in a meta-analysis must meet strict criteria e.g. randomization, clear end  points, accurate verifiable measurements, specified duration and many more.  Out of hundreds of trials, usually 7-20 or so make the cut into a meta-analysis.

Likely Use of Turmeric Extracts by Older Individuals

Most older adults have some degree of joint inflammation known as osteoarthritis.  The joint inflammation produces pain, stiffness, and swelling and limits mobility.  An effective therapy is the use of the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory OTC drugs e.g. naproxen and ibuprofen.  However, some also seek herbal remedies such as turmeric extracts (curcumin) that are touted as highly effective treatments for osteoarthritis. 

1.  Do turmeric extracts reduced debilitating symptoms of osteoarthritis?

A meta-analysis of curcumin use in knee-osteoarthritis identified 8 clinical trials that met their criteria.  Two subjective assessment scores, accepted as both valid and reliable defined the severity of pain, stiffness and swelling.   The USA completed one trial and Asia and Italy the others.  Turmeric extract (curcumin ~1000 mg/day) used for 4 weeks to 4 months in 45-100 subjects reduced symptoms of knee osteoarthritis.  Adverse effects were no different than placebo or OTC antiinflammatory medications.  However, since the total number of patients was small (even when all studies were combined) and there was some quality issues with the data, these results are not considered definitive.  Furthermore, some of the trials used proprietary preparations of curcumin, not available OTC.  

Three more recent meta-analyses (2021-2022) found that turmeric extracts ameliorated symptoms of knee osteoarthritis compared to placebo and comparable to OTC anti-inflammatory drugs.  These analyses each included a greater number of clinical trials (15-16), hence combining a greater number of subjects (up to 1800 subjects total). Most trials used proprietary formulations of curcumin.  India, China, Iran and Thailand hosted the majority of studies.   However, the authors of all meta-analyses projected caution in interpretation of results due to poor quality of the data and presence of moderate bias.

Another likely use of Turmeric Extracts.

Older adults are anxious that their mental acuity may decline with age.  Hence, remedies that prevent or at least slow cognitive decline are of keen interest.  Turmeric extracts are marketed as beneficial in this respect.

2.  Do turmeric extracts reduce cognitive decline?

Results of clinical trial thus far are not convincing that consumption of turmeric extracts improves thinking ability.  There are no meta-analyses.  Eight clinical trials (2008 -2020) assessed the effect of turmeric extracts (curcumin) consumption on cognitive function in older adults.  Studies were small (27-152 subjects), lasting 4 weeks to 1 year, and most used proprietary preparations of curcumin or precisely defined the amount of extracted curcumin in each capsule.

Subjects completed a battery of mental tests that examine a range of cognitive domains.  Short term memory improved in 2 of the 8 trials. Other cognitive domains did not improve. In one trial, short term memory improved at 6 hours post dosing and at 4 weeks of daily dosing in prediabetic subjects.  In another study, 16 weeks of daily dosing in overweight/obese males (not females) increased short term memory.  Immediate recall tests (e.g. recalling a list of 15 words after specified time periods or performing serial subtraction of, for example, 7 from 100) served to assess short term memory.  How results of these memory test translate into enhanced daily thinking in general is unclear. 

Are Turmeric Extracts Safe?

The FDA considers the turmeric spice a generally recognized as safe (GRAS) product (FDA notice 460) when added to food (for flavor, flavor enhancement) at 20 mg/serving.   Companies marketing curcuminoids may receive a GRAS label if they submit extensive data to the FDA on chemistry, specifications, and toxicology in animals and humans.  One example is GRAS notice 822 from Laurus Labs.  Laurus Lab’s curcumin received the GRAS label when used at 0.5-100 mg/100 g of food.  However, most companies do not have FDA GRAS approval for their OTC curcumin product. 

In human clinical trials, use of gram doses of turmeric extracts appear safe.  Results of clinical trials report adverse effects comparable to placebo or antiinflammatory drugs (e.g. ibuprofen).  Adverse effects generally include various types of gastrointestinal (GI) upsets.  This is not surprising since turmeric extracts are poorly absorbed (even preps modified to improve absorption) and thus these products basically remain in the GI tract until eliminated.

How to explain the small biological effects of turmeric extracts?

The active component of turmeric extracts, the curcuminoids, are incredibly chemically unstable in and out of the human body.  How then to explain the small effects reported in clinical trials.  This is possibly a result of the small number of participants in these trials that generate considerable bias and hence false results.  Alternatively, it has been proposed that the persistence of the curcuminoids in the GI tract allows interaction with the thousands of resident bacteria. These bacteria produce mediators to account for the anti-inflammatory effects in osteoarthritis and the slight immediate recall benefit. 

This is an interesting concept but given the extensive number and diversity of GI bacteria, and the variation from one individual to another, this remains a challenging hypothesis to study and prove.  For the time being, it is reasonably better to engage in a serious exercise program (insight 2) (insight 3) (insight 4) and participate in activities that enhance positive neuroplasticity of the brain (insight 6) to ameliorate symptoms of osteoarthritis and cognitive decline.


Review of the biology of turmeric extracts (curcumin) shows evidence of it poor bioavailability/chemical instability and inconclusive clinical trial results relevant to osteoarthritis and cognitive decline.   Clearly, it is premature to consider this herbal remedy as of value in self-medication for joint pain and memory complaints. A large randomized clinical trial (several thousand subjects) using several doses over a period of months with turmeric extract readily available OTC would provide a definite answer.

This is one of several blogs that will review some of the OTC health products.  Readers interested in a wider range of OTC drugs and dietary supplements, might check out the book: Drug Use in the Older Adult: Guide to Nurses, Other Practicing Clinicians and the Interested Older Individual authored  by myself and Dr. Patricia Brown-O’Hara, expected out this spring.  One full chapter discusses use of OTC products (drugs and dietary supplements).  Ask your local librarian to purchase it as a necessary reference.

Selected References (http//pubmed) Additional references on request

Daily JW, Yang M, Park S.  Efficacy of Turmeric Extracts and Curcumin for Alleviating the Symptoms of Joint Arthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials J Med Food 19 (8) 2016, 717–729DOI: 10.1089/jmf.2016.3705.

Nelson KM,Dahlin JL, Bisson J, Graham J, Pauli GF, Walters MA.  The Essential Medicinal Chemistry of Curcumin Miniperspective. J. Med. Chem. 2017, 60, 1620−1637 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.6b00975.

Prasad S, Gupta SC, Tyagi AK, Aggarwal BB: Curcumin, a component of golden spice: From bedside to bench and back. Biotechnol Adv 2014;32:1053–1064.

Rainey-Smith SR, Brown BM, Sohrabi HR, Shah T, Goozee KG, Gupta VB, Martins RN. Curcumin and cognition: a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind study of community-dwelling older adults. Br J Nutr. 2016 Jun;115(12):2106-13. doi: 10.1017/S0007114516001203.

Turmeric: the Spice

Risk of fractures – how important is dietary/supplemental calcium?


The premise that calcium consumption makes bones stronger must be qualified by age.  It is well established that bone formation, up to 35 years of age, is the prominent activity in bone.  During this time, strong bone formation depends on adequate calcium intake and stress/strain on bone (i.e. physical activity).  Strong bones resist fractures and thereby allow for unlimited mobility and independence. 

However, in the older adult (after age 35), bone formation ceases and is replaced by remodeling, a type of repair of microdamage.  Calcium may relocate in bone but chronic accumulation of additional calcium driven by calcium consumption does not occur.  Therefore, as this blog will discuss, neither dietary nor supplemental calcium puts calcium back into bones of older adults and furthermore, neither has an effect on reducing the risk of fractures. In particular, several adverse effects are associated with use of calcium supplements.

Bone biology

The bones of our skeletal system serve many important functions.  Bones support our muscles for balance, provide form and allow mobility.  Bones protect our internal organs (lungs, heart, brain), and act as the largest reservoir for the essential mineral, calcium. 

Importance of calcium

The body requires calcium for just about every function in the body.  This includes the contraction of our muscles, nerve conduction and release of neurotransmitters, enzyme activity for metabolism, and secretion of hormones and bioactive factors, to name a few. 

Two hormones, the parathyroid hormone and calcitonin, assure that blood calcium is tightly controlled within a narrow range so that these functions are adequately maintained.  Although rare, blood calcium levels that are too high or too low produce adverse effects.  For example, chronic high levels of calcium produce kidney stones and chronic low levels of calcium produce thin weak bones.

Bone Formation in the Young Adult

The optimal time to increase bone density is during growth up to 35 years of age.  Thus, the greater the bone density at age 35, the less likely the occurrence of a fracture as one ages, even in the presence of unavoidable menopausal-driven bone calcium loss.  Assuming a normal diet with adequate calcium intake, achieving high bone density throughout one’s growth by participating in sports, work-outs, and/or physically demanding activities,  is the only way to prevent osteoporosis in later life. 

A diagnosis of osteoporosis is given when density of bone minerals i.e. calcium reaches a predetermined value (in comparison to the average bone density of a 30 year old).  This chosen low density value is significant because it indicates an elevated risk of a fracture.  Osteoporosis is managed with one of several prescription drugs that act to strengthen bones. 

Bone Loss in the Older Adult

Bone mineral density declines with age in both women and men due to key factors such as hormonal changes, loss of muscle mass and reduced level of physical activity.  However, the impact on older women is especially acute due to 1) the lower level of bone mineral density achieved early in life (smaller muscle mass and reduced participation in sports) and 2) the severe reduction of estrogen with menopause. 

Estrogen is the premier driver of bone formation.  Estrogen production largely ceases in menopause (around 50-55 years) and is slightly reduced in older males.  This change results in a significant decline in bone maintenance and remodeling leading to subsequent loss of bone minerals.  Bones become less dense and less strong with an elevated potential for fractures on minimal impact.

Benefit/risk assessment of calcium supplements and risk of fractures

The daily use of calcium supplements with or without added vitamin D is widespread among middle-aged and postmenopausal women.  This activity supported a 3.8 billion dollar industry in 2022 with a projected doubling in 2023 (

Beginning in the 1980s, with very little human data, the medical and pharmaceutical industry promoted consumption of calcium supplements for optimal bone health.  Whereas the calcium-deficient individual benefitted from calcium plus vitamin D supplements in the treatment of serious bone loss diseases (osteoporosis, osteomalacia) with its high risk of fractures, individuals without calcium deficiency and no bone disease were similarly assumed to benefit from calcium supplements that were purported to create stronger bones, and hence fewer fractures.  The data from many randomized clinical trials do not support this.

Calcium supplements do not prevent fractures

The loss of bone calcium with age prompted the use of calcium supplements with and without vitamin D to reverse this.  Sadly, this does not work.  The few studies that measured bone density during use of calcium supplements found only transient small increases in bone density that were not preserved over time (1).  In other words, there was no consistent and persistent increase in bone density.  Most importantly, the result of numerous randomized clinical trials concluded that the use of calcium supplements has no effect on the main endpoint, prevention of fractures. 


To assess the massive literature on the relation of calcium supplements to fracture risk, the meta-analysis approach selects and critiques the best (low bias) randomized clinical trials.  Among all studies relating to calcium supplements and fractures, those selected for the meta-analysis meet rigorous criteria such as randomization, placebo control, duration greater than 1 year, adults over 50 years, and specific validated endpoint e.g. evidence of a fracture.  The results of 6 meta-analyses (2-7) each analyzing 10-20 trials concluded that consumption of calcium with or without vitamin D did not change the risk for fractures (hip, vertebral, non vertebral) in community-dwelling older adults.  The one exception, noted in one study (8), calcium supplements benefit frail institutionalized older adults with osteoporosis. 

Calcium supplements exert adverse effects

1.  Cardiovascular risk

There has been a long standing concern that calcium supplements may adversely affect the heart and blood vessels.  In support of this concern are the results from a major “study assessing the association of calcium intake, source of calcium intake, and coronary artery calcification in a large, multiethnic sample of US men and women at both baseline and with repeat longitudinal estimates of incident coronary artery calcification up to 10 years” (9).  Importantly, coronary artery calcification was associated with calcium supplement intake but not with dietary calcium intake.  Coronary artery calcification is a biomarker of cardiovascular risk because calcium locates to artery plaques.  Hence, its presence may contribute to plaque formation and increase the risk for heart disease.

1a. Important clinical trials

There have been numerous clinical trials examining the relation of calcium supplements to risk of cardiovascular disease, clinically as defined by a heart attack, stroke or cardiovascular death. Using meta-analysis, it is concluded that use of calcium supplements increases the risk of cardiovascular disease (10-12).  In contrast, unlike calcium supplements, one meta-analysis reported that dietary calcium did not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (10). 

An additional study of note because of its long duration of 20 year is a prospective cohort study (13).  This study concluded that calcium supplements do not increase the risk for cardiovascular disease. However, unlike a randomized clinical trial in which randomization and placebo controls are required to reduce bias, the prospective cohort study tracks individuals over a long period, taking measurements throughout but without randomization or controls.

2.  Kidney stones and GI issues

Although not as well investigated as adverse cardiovascular effects, gastrointestinal effects, in particular constipation is associated with intake of calcium supplements.  It is generally considered a minor issue but in fact, it is the main reason for lack of compliance in clinical trials with calcium supplements (14).

Additionally, use of calcium supplements increases urinary calcium (15) which has the potential to cause kidney stones.  Inadequate fluid intake elevates the risk of kidney stones with calcium supplements (16).

Dietary Calcium and Fractures

Meta-analysis of clinical trials show that dietary calcium intake can fluctuate significantly and still have no effect on risk of fracture.   A relevant example is the Auckland Calcium Study which followed 500 postmenopausal women (not taking hormone replacement therapy or calcium supplements) and measuring bone density numerous times over a 5 year period.  Dietary calcium ranging from 400-1500 mg/day had no effect on the number of fractures (1).  Anderson et al., 2016 cited above, reported that while calcium supplement intake is associated with coronary artery calcification, dietary calcium intake is not.  Dietary calcium also is not associated with adverse effects evident with calcium supplements (10).

RDA and Fractures

It is clear that ingesting calcium by diet or by supplements does little to fortify the bones in older adults.  So why bother about even dietary calcium consumption?  The answer is that dietary calcium is essential for a vast variety of physiological activities such as muscle contraction and nerve activity (see Importance of Calcium section).  Thus the need for a recommended daily allowance (RDA).  If the RDA is not met, then the body will “steal” calcium from the best depot, bone.

The Food and Nutrition Board sets the RDA (   For women over 50 years of age, the calcium RDA is 1200/day.  For men 51-70  years of age, it is 1000 mg/day and 1200 mg/day for men over 70 years of age.   Interestingly, calcium RDA is based on results of calcium balance studies which determines the amount of calcium consumed that counterbalances the amount excreted in the urine, GI tract and skin.  Balance studies are technically challenging so estimates are the norm.  Neither bone density nor fracture risk were assessed in determining the calcium RDA.  Therefore, calcium RDA is independent of bone calcium density and fracture risk.  It merely determines the amount needed to keep blood calcium constant so that all calcium-dependent activities can continue.

Fall prevent might help reduce fractures

Since dietary and supplemental calcium do not reduce fracture risk, what strategies might diminish risk?  Many fractures result from falls.  Fortunately, fall prevention is achievable.  Activities/strategies that work include 1) balance and resistance exercises to increase body stability and muscle strength (see Blog 2, 3, 5), 2) environmental changes – decrease house clutter, proper lighting, remove area rugs, 3) assure good eyesight and hearing,  4) reduce polypharmacy (use of 4 or more drugs) (see Blog 21) and 5) avoid multitasking when walking.


It is apparent, certainly in community-dwelling older adults, that calcium supplements have no real benefit on bone density or reduction of fracture risk.  Calcium supplements offer only the potential for adverse effects.  Dietary calcium intake also is independent of fracture risk but unlike supplements does not exert adverse events.  Although calcium from a normal healthy diet such as the Mediterranean diet (see Blog 11) will not fortify or compensate for bone loss, it will contribute to an adequate blood calcium level required for maintenance of essential body functions. 


1.  Reid IR et al., Calcium supplements: benefits and risks. Journal of Internal Medicine. 2015, 278: 354–368.

2.  Jackson RD et al., Calcium plus Vitamin D Supplementation and the Risk of Fractures. N Engl J Med. 2006; 354: 669-83.

3.  Bollard MJ et al., Calcium intake and risk of fracture: systematic review.  BMJ. 2015; 351: h4580.

4.  Harvey NC et al., The role of calcium supplementation in healthy musculoskeletal ageing: An Experts consensus meeting of the European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (ESCEO) and the International Foundation for Osteoporosis (IOF).  Osteoporosis Int. 2017 February; 28(2): 447–462.

5.  Zhao JG et al., Association Between Calcium or Vitamin D Supplementation and Fracture Incidence in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA. 2017 Dec 26; 318(24): 2466–2482.

6.  Hu ZC et al., Comparison of fracture risk using different supplemental doses of vitamin D, calcium or their combination: a network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. BMJ Open.2019;9:e024595.

7.  Karti K et al.,  Role of calcium &/or vitamin D supplementation in preventing osteoporotic fracture in the elderly: A systematic review & meta-analysis. Indian J Med Res. 158:  5-16, 2023.

8.  Chapuy MC  et al., Vitamin-D3 and calcium to prevent hip fractures in elderly women. N Engl J Med. 1992; 327: 1637–42.

9.  Anderson JJB et al., Calcium Intake From Diet and Supplements and the Risk of Coronary Artery Calcification and its Progression Among Older Adults: 10-Year Follow-up of the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) J Am Heart Assoc. 2016;5:e003815.

10.  Yang C et al., The evidence and controversy between dietary calcium intake and calcium supplementation and risk of cardiovascular disease:  A systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies and randomized controlled trials. J Am Coll Nutr. 2020 May-Jun;39(4):  352-370.

Additional references

11.  Myung SK et al., Calcium Supplements and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: A Meta-Analysis of Clinical Trials Nutrients 2021, 13, 368.

12.  Mao PJ et al., Effect of calcium or vitamin D supplementation on vascular outcomes: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. .Int J Cardiol. 2013 Oct 30;169(2):106-11.

13.  Pana TA et al., Calcium intake, calcium supplementation and cardiovascular disease and mortality in the British population: EPIC‑norfolk prospective cohort study and meta‑analysis. European Journal of Epidemiology. (2021) 36: 669–683.

14.  Reid IR et al., Randomized controlled trial of calcium in healthy older women. Am J Med.  2006 Sep;119(9):777-85.

15. Reid IR, et al. Randomized controlled trial of calcium supplementation in healthy, nonosteoporotic, older men. Arch Intern Med. 2008; 168: 2276–82.

16. Harris SS ad Dawson-Hughes B. Effects of Hydration and Calcium Supplementation on Urine Calcium Concentration in Healthy Postmenopausal Women. J Am Coll Nutr. 2015;34(4):340-6.

Osteoarthritis – Robber of Mobility and Independence

Osteoarthritis is a progressive inflammatory-dependent deterioration of one or more joints (knees, hips, hands, elbow, spine) that robs the older adult of mobility and independence.  “Osteoarthritis is the most com­mon form of arthritis, affecting 1 in 3 people over age 65 and women more so than men” (Hawker, 2019).  After diabetes and dementia, osteoarthritis ranks third in disability prevalence among older adults.


Osteoarthritis, robber of mobility and independence, begins as an illness characterized by joint pain, joint stiffness (especially when sitting for prolonged periods), muscle weakness, and reduced quality of life.  Over time, structural changes develop in potentially all components of the affected joint.  With permanent damage, osteoarthritis progresses to a disease state that severely limits range of motion, especially walking, leading to a serious disability.  Additionally, it reduces exercise ability, fragments sleep, impairs productivity, encourages early retirement and steals independence.  Sadly, osteoarthritis remains a major disability without an approved disease-modifying therapy.  Symptoms may be minimized with over-the-counter pain/anti-inflammatory medications or injections of steroids into the joint (intra-articular).  Eventually, surgical intervention with total joint replacement is required.

Modifiable Risk Factors

There are two modifiable risk factors strongly associated with osteoarthritis.  They are obesity (adiposity) and joint injury (high impact and/or repetitive mechanical stress).  Additionally, there are several non-modifiable risk factors associated with osteoarthritis.  They include age, gender (female), and genetics (skeletal structure and alignment; uncorrected deformities).

The data suggests that maintenance of a normal body weight and reduction of joint injury, for example, in high stress occupations and elite sports, with proper physical preparations (e.g. exercises to strengthen muscles around joints) would reduce the risk of osteoarthritis.  At present, the actual clinical support for this is minimal because there has been little interest, hence few studies. 

One study on the effect of weight loss and exercise on knee osteoarthritis found that those who adhered to the recommended diet and exercise program had a lower incidence of knee osteoarthritis at 30 months out and those that lost 5% of their body weight has reduced joint injury at 6.5 years compared to controls.  On the effect of exercise alone on the prevention of osteoarthritis, there are  a number of clinical trials, but of poor quality.  It appears that prevention of osteoarthritis by reduction of modifiable risk factors has to date received little clinical attention.

However, it is still important to re-emphasize the wealth of clinical data supporting the multiple benefits of exercise (Insight 2: Skeletal muscles, aging and consequences, Insight 3: Ways to retard skeletal muscle aging, Insight 4: Anti-aging benefits of aerobic and stretch exercises).  For example, an exercise program reduces the risks for numerous other morbidities e.g. cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.  A comorbidity with osteoarthritis accelerates joint deterioration.  Exercise also reduces the risk of weight gain, promotes stable movements and stabilizes joints, thereby reducing mechanical stress.

Pathological Changes

There is growing interest in defining the pathological changes that occur during development of osteoarthritis.  This research effort could potentially give rise to novel and effective disease-altering therapies.

Components of the Joint

The joint brings two bones together. The end of each bone is called the subchondral portion.  It is covered by hyaline cartilage (articular) composed of fibrous proteins such as collagen, lots of water, and a few collagen-secreting cells called chondrocytes.  There is no nerve or blood supply or lymphatic drainage making damage repair difficult.  The synovial membrane that secretes the synovial fluid covers the articular cartilage.  Ligaments (bone to bone) and tendons (muscle to bone) secure the joint.

Identified pathology

1)  Breakdown of cartilage – harmful enzymes slowly destroy collagen and other matrix proteins; the low number of chondrocytes retards repair. 

2)  Inflammation in synovial fluid.  Mechanical injury activates innate and immune responses with production of numerous pro-inflammatory mediators that destroy tissue.

3)  Fibrosis – production of extra matrix proteins that contributes to synovial membrane thickness and stiffness.

4)  Subchondral bone changes – bone supporting joint cartilage remodels in unfavorable ways.

5)  Senescent cells – Chondrocytes senesce and exacerbate the inflammation by production of pro-inflammatory mediators and loss of normal function e.g. collagen repair. (See Blog 23 on senescent cells)

Current Therapies

Osteoarthritic pain is generally treated with topical or oral anti-inflammatory drugs.  Specifically, education, exercise programs (strengthening, cardiovascular, mind-body i.e. Yoga) and weight loss strategies are encouraged. If seriously practiced, this approach consistently reduces joint pain. 

As symptoms worsen, intra-articular injections of steroids provide additional relief.  However, progression to structural damage (radiological confirmation) requires total joint replacement called arthroplasty surgery. The consensus to date is that arthroplasty surgery for the treatment of osteoarthritis is a successful therapy.

Future Therapies

Chemical entities that target one of the five pathological changes mentioned above are in development.  Most, such as the senolytics, are effective in animal models of the disease.  A potential future therapy, pirfenidone, an anti-fibrotic drug, used to treat pulmonary fibrosis, may decrease fibrosis in osteoarthritis.  Another future therapy, now in clinical trials for pain relief in osteoarthritis is the intra-articular injections of a growth factor (portion of FGF-18 termed psrifermin).

Another therapy gaining considerable interest is intra-articular injection or implantation of  stem cells.  The approach is to harvest and inject mesenchymal stem cells (multipotent adult cells obtained from tissues such as bone marrow, fat, umbilical cord). In a critique of clinical trials using stem cell therapy for osteoarthritis, Diego de Carvalho Carneiro et al., (2023) reported findings that “indicate that intra-articular injections of mesenchymal stem cells are efficacious in the treatment of osteoarthritis and the regeneration of cartilage, but that they may be insufficient for the full repair of articular cartilage defects.”  Additional large rigorous clinical trials would be of value.


Osteoarthritis is a debilitating joint illness/disease that robs an individual of independence.  It desperately needs effective disease-modifying therapy.  Fortunately, potentially valuable therapies are on the horizon.  However, until these therapies are validated, it seems reasonable to establish common sense policies for the prevention of osteoarthritis beginning in childhood and continuing throughout the lifespan.  These policies would include the maintenance of normal body weight throughout life, engagement in proven injury prevention for high impact sports and careers and a continuous exercise program to eliminate the development of co-morbidities and assure normal stresses on all joints.

References (Pubmed)

Aubourg G et al., Genetics of osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 30:  636-649, 2022.

Diego de Carvalho Carneiro et al., Clinical Trials with Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapies for Osteoarthritis: Challenges in the Regeneration of Articular Cartilage. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 9939.

Hawker GA.  Osteoarthritis is a serious disease.  Clin Exp Rheumatol  37 (Suppl. 120): S3-S6,2019.

Jiang  Y et al., Osteoarthritis year in review 2021: biology Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 30 (2022) 207e215

Katz JN et al., Diagnosis and treatment of hip and knee osteoarthritis: A review JAMA. 2021 February 09; 325(6): 568–578.

Kun E et al., The genetic architecture and evolution of the human skeletal form. Science. 2023 Jul 21;381(6655)

Thoene M et al., The Current State of Osteoarthritis Treatment Options Using Stem Cells for Regenerative Therapy: A Review. Int. J. Mol. Sci.2023, 24, 8925.

Vincent TL et al., Osteoarthritis pathophysiology – therapeutic target discovery may require a multi-faceted approach. Clin Geriatr Med. 38(2): 193–219, 2022.

Whittaker JL et al., A lifespan approach to osteoarthritis prevention. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 29 (2021) 1638e1653

Frailty Syndrome – how to modify


The Frailty Syndrome is one of several geriatric syndromes that has received recent attention.  The Frailty Syndrome reduces one’s response to stress thereby enhancing the risk of dying.  Importantly, the Frailty Syndrome is potentially modifiable.  Although an official consensus definition of Frailty Syndrome does not exist, it is generally defined as “a clinical syndrome that leads to a progressive, multisystem decline in function and physiologic reserve, and increased vulnerability to adverse outcomes” (Park and Ko, 2021).

Identification Protocols of the Frailty Syndrome

One of two protocols have generally been used to identify the Frailty Syndrome.  The first is the Fried’s Frailty Phenotype.  It characterizes frailty with the  use of 5 criteria.  They are 1) unintentional weight loss ((≥5 percent of body weight in the past year), 2) self-reported exhaustion, 3) low grip strength, 4) slow walking speed  and 5) low physical activity.  Individuals diagnosed with 3 or more of the  5 conditions are considered frail and at risk of a 2 fold increase in morbidity and death.  However, expression of one or two criteria is deemed pre-frail and predicts an enhanced risk of progression to greater frailty.  Older adults without any of the above characteristics are non-frail or robust.

The second protocol is the Frailty Index.  The Frailty Index seeks to assess vulnerability based on a wide range of age changes to include disabilities, disease states, functional and cognitive deficits and psychosocial factors.  Some 30-40 factors may be assessed.  The Index is derived by counting the number of deficits and dividing by the total possible.  The higher the frailty index number, the greater the accumulation of deficits and the greater the degree of frailty.  This relates to an increase in negative outcomes, such as falls, surgical complications, institutionalizations, or worse, disability and death.

A systematic review of community dwelling individuals (65 years and old) indicated that the prevalence of frailty ranges from 4-59.7% depending on the frailty criteria used (Collard et al., 2012).  Although frailty increases with age and is a burden on healthcare costs, there are interventions validated by clinical trials that can prevent and/or ameliorate frailty.

Origins of Frailty Syndrome

Several organ systems contribute to frailty.  A major contributor is the significant changes that occur in the endocrine system with age.  These changes include a major decline in levels of hormones e.g. growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor-1 (a growth hormone assistant) and some adrenal steroids such as DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone).  In contrast, another adrenal steroid, cortisol, increases (see Blog 19). These hormones play key roles in muscle maintenance and coupled with an absence of resistance exercises, permit loss of muscle mass and strength (see Blog 2,3)

Another factor is inflammaging, a condition of low grade inflammation, identified with increased blood levels of pro-inflammatory factors such as ” interleukin 6, c-reactive protein, increased numbers of neutrophils and macrophages and activation of markers of clotting cascade” (Park and Ko, 2021).  One of the hallmarks of aging (epigenetic alterations, see Blog 26) fosters inflammaging, a condition of continual organ/tissue degradation.

Interventions for the Frailty Syndrome

Multidisciplinary Intervention – How to modify

There have been many interventional studies seeking to reduce/prevent frailty.  One of the earliest clinical trials to address this goal was the Frailty Intervention Trial (FIT) (Cameron et al., 2013).  This study found that frailty can be successfully treated with an interdisciplinary multifaceted treatment program.  Specifically, 216 participants with frailty (Fried’s Phenotype), average age of 83 years were randomized to receive either multidisciplinary intervention or standard health care for one year.  The multidisciplinary interventions were tailored to the individual depending on the frailty characteristics.  They consisted of, for example, nutritional evaluation and home-delivered meals for weight loss and home-based physiotherapy sessions and home exercise program for weakness, slowness or low energy expenditure.  The trial results showed individualized interventions clearly reduced frailty and increased mobility.

Effective Exercises Modify the Frailty Syndrome

In an assessment of multiple trials, a systematic review of frailty interventions from 46 primary care studies, world-wide concluded that “interventions with both strength training and protein supplementation consistently placed highest in terms of relative effectiveness and ease of implementation” (Travers et al., 2019).  Effective exercises ranged from mild-intensity mixed exercises (e.g. aerobics, resistance) or singular exercises such as walking or tai-chi.  Interventions targeting behavioral changes were easy to implement but of low value.  Home visits, comprehensive geriatric assessment, administration of hormones (testosterone, DHEA) were difficult to implement and also of low efficacy.  Approximately 65% of these studies employed more than one intervention.

Another earlier comprehensive review (12 randomized controlled trials and 2 cohort studies) with the goal of preventing or reducing frailty found interventions that significantly reduced the greatest number of frailty markers were physical exercises (all types and combinations) (Puts et al., 2017).

Specific Physical Activity Modify the Frailty Syndrome

Travers et al., proposes the following physical activity for frailty intervention: “20–25 minutes of activity, 4 days per week at home, comprising 15 exercises: three for strengthening arms, seven for strengthening legs, and five for balance and coordination. Each exercise is repeated 10 times per minute, progressively reaching 15 times after 2–3 months, with a rest of half a minute between each set”. 

Finally, early intervention is highly desirable.  A twenty year longitudinal study of over 6000 adults reported that healthy habits started at a younger age  (age 50) reduce the risk of frailty later in life.  Those habits included 1) not smoking, 2) moderate alcohol consumption, 3) physical activity of at least 2.5 hours per week, and 4)  consuming fruits and vegetables at least twice daily.  Following all 4 yields a 70% reduction in frailty risk.


The Frailty Syndrome is a preventable decline in organ function summating in seriously reduced response to inevitable stresses.  Expert analysis of over 50 clinical studies indicate that a program of physical activity is key in ameliorating frailty.  Where possible an individualized program addressing each frailty component is ideal.

References (pubmed)

Aas SN et al., Strength training and protein supplementation improve muscle mass, strength, and function in mobility-limited older adults: a randomized controlled trial. Aging Clin Exp Res. 32(4):  605-616, 2020.

Cameron ID et al.,  A multifactorial interdisciplinary intervention reduces frailty in older people: randomized trial.  BMC Med. 11:  65, 2013.

Collard RM et al., Prevalence of frailty in community-dwelling older persons: a systematic review. J Am Geriatr Soc . 60(8):  1487-92, 2012.

Fried LP et al.,  Frailty in older adults: evidence for a phenotype. The journals of gerontology Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences. 56(3):  M146–56, 2001.

Gil-salcedo A et al., Healthy behaviors at age 50 years and frailty at older ages in a 20-year follow-up of the UK Whitehall II cohort: A longitudinal study. PLoS Med. 17(7):   e1003147, 2020.

Kojima G, Liljas AEM, Iliffe S. Frailty syndrome: implications and challenges for health care policy. Risk Manag Healthc Policy. 12:  23–30, 2019.

Park C, Ko FC.  The Science of Frailty: Sex differences. Clin Geriatr Med. 37(4):  625–638, 2021.

Puts MTE et al., Interventions to prevent or reduce the level of frailty in community-dwelling older adults: a scoping review of the literature and international policies. Age Ageing. 46(3):  383-392, 2017.

Rockwood K, Mitnitski A.  Frailty in relation to the accumulation of deficits. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci .  62(7):  722-7, 2007.

Rockwood K, Mitnitski A. Frailty defined by deficit accumulation and geriatric medicine defined by frailty. Clin Geriatr Med. 27(1):  17–26, 2011.

Roschel H.  et al., Supplement-based nutritional strategies to tackle frailty: A multifactorial, double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial Clin Nutr  40(8):  4849-4858, 2021.

Travers J et al., Delaying and reversing frailty: a systematic review of primary care interventions Br J Gen Pract. 9(678):  e61–e69, 2019.

Geroscience – Drugs to Retard Aging


Geroscience is the rapidly expanding field of gerontology with a specific objective beyond that of understanding aging.  Instead, it is evaluating drugs to retard aging. Specifically, it states that the goals of aging research are “best achieved by novel integrated approaches to health and disease with the understanding that biological systems change with age” (Kennedy et al., 2014).  Since aging is the major risk factor for disease, geroscience recommends that rather than treat age-related diseases one by one, physicians should instead “treat” aging.  Hence, the focus should be to identify future drugs to retard aging.  If age changes are delayed, prevented or reversed, diseases would likewise be delayed.  Therefore, drugs to retard aging would lengthen the healthspan and provide years lived with good health and not in management of disease.

Geroscience proposes the Unified Hypothesis of Aging.  This hypothesis states that all age changes are interrelated.  Thus, according to this hypothesis, pharmacological reduction i.e. drug-dependent reduction of one aspect of aging will decrease the other aspects of aging.  A trans-National Institutes of Health Geroscience Interest Group Summit (2019) established a consensus on age changes.  Age changes are Pillars of Aging or Hallmarks of Aging.  

Hallmarks of Aging

Prominent age changes investigated over the years are identified as follows (Lopez-Otin et al., 2013): 

1.  Loss of genetic stability

Damage to both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA accumulates over the years resulting in a variety of changes (mutations, deletions) that reduces the ability of the DNA to do its job i.e. direct production of proteins.  This loss leads to abnormal cell function and future tissue/organ incompetence.

2.  Reduction in telomere length

This is a popular topic.  Several companies offer services to measure telomere length implying that telomere length is a surrogate of  biological age, that is the longer the telomeres, the younger the individual.  Telomeres are the protein-nucleic acid complexes at the ends of each chromosome.  Telomeres function to prevent the ends from “sticking” together during DNA replication in cell division. With each replication, the length of the telomeres shorten until they are too short to provide protection.  This stops future cell division and prevents the biological advantage of cell renewal.  No new cells are formed.

3.  Epigenetic alterations

These are changes in the expression of DNA.  The structure of DNA i.e. the genetic code is not altered.  In contrast, epigenetic alterations influence which genes are expressed (turned on to make proteins and which are turned off and make no protein).  Epigenetic alterations turn on genes that produce inflammatory proteins and turn off genes that make anti-inflammatory proteins, fostering a state of age-dependent chronic low grade inflammation.    

4.   Loss of protein stability

Proteins require correct folding and appropriate disposal when no longer needed.  The complex systems regulating these activities deteriorate with age.  The result is accumulation of toxic incompetent proteins

5.  Altered nutrient sensing

Nutrient sensing complexes detect high glucose, amino acids and levels of energy.  The most famous nutrient sensor is insulin and its relative, insulin growth factor (IGF).  Moderation and/or suppression of these sensors in animal models of aging increases the healthspan and lifespan.

6.   Mitochondrial dysfunction

Mitochondria are subcomponents (organelles) of the cell and are responsible for generating the main energy molecule, ATP.  Another key function of mitochondria is the ability to generate the signals to terminate the life of a cell in the presence of irreparable damage.  As mitochondria become dysfunctional with age, less energy is generated and cells disappear.

7.   Cell senescence

This hallmark has been previously discussed (see Blog 23).  Cells that experience unusual stress e.g. excessive DNA damage, high levels of growth factors, repetitive cell division, mitochondrial dysfunction may become senescent.  Senescent cells enlarge, are hypermetabolic producing unwanted negative factors and resist cell death by inhibiting all mechanisms for cell suicide.  They accumulate with age and accelerate aging.  

8.   Stem cell exhaustion

At younger ages, damaged cells generally disappear by programmed cell suicide. Stem cells, pluripotent cells that become any cell type given the correct niche and support factors, come to the rescue.   With age, stem cell number and functionality decline. Lost cells are not replaced and tissues and organs must function with reduced cell numbers.

9.  Abnormal intercellular communication

Communication among cells is facilitated in large part by circulating factors such as hormones and small molecules secreted by immune cells.  Both of these sources diminish with age.  This weakens communication between cells and disrupts organ function.

Drugs to Retard Aging

There is a flourishing number of compounds with potential to inhibit the hallmarks of aging and extend the healthspan in humans.  The majority of these compounds are repurposed drugs.  They include metformin (antidiabetic), rapamycin (immunosuppressant), anticancer drugs quercetin, dasatinib, and fisetin and resveratrol (OTC supplement).  Treatment of animal models of aging (roundworm, flies, mice) with these drugs has produced spectacular results.  These are 1)  rejuvenation of aged organs, 2) reversal of decline in exercise capacity and cardiopulmonary, and metabolic function, 3) delayed onset of disease, and 4) significant extension of maximal lifespan. 

These drugs are now under investigation in man.  Several pilot studies and phase 1 clinical trials have been completed and many more are in the early stage of recruitment.


Probably the most famous anti-aging drug is resveratrol, a naturally occurring compound extracted from Veratrum grandiflorum (flowering herb), grapes, wine, and soy.  In clinical trials ranging from a few days to months (doses 5 -5000 mg), obese participants experienced consistent reduction in body weight, and lowering of systolic blood pressure and blood sugar.  Several more potent analogues of resveratrol have undergone clinical testing with modest anti-inflammatory and lipid lowering effects.  To date,  the variable pharmacokinetics of resveratrol analogues hindered the expected efficacy seen in animal studies.

Dasatinib and Quercetin

In contrast to the very modest effects of resveratrol analogues, dasatinib (D) and quercetin (Q) (given together intermittently, 3 days for 3 weeks).improved physical function of walking distance, gait speed and chair-stands in 14 elderly patients with pulmonary fibrosis.  A second pilot study administered D+Q for 3 days to 9 patients with diabetic kidney disease. Eleven days post treatment there was a reduction in senescent cells in tissue biopsies of fat, skin and blood.  Undesirable factors known to be secreted by senescent cells were also reduced.  Additional trials are in progress to test the efficacy of D+Q and related drugs in chronic kidney disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, osteoarthritis, and frailty.


As of April 2023, there are 7 clinical trials evaluating rapamycin as an inhibitor of hallmarks of aging.  These are small placebo controlled trials (34-150 participants, age 60-95).  Additionally, eight other trials with rapamycin treatment assessing immune, cognitive and cardiac function and/or physical responses have been completed but with no publications as yet. 


Finally, the inspirational drug for the search for anti-aging drugs is metformin.  In 2013, the FDA for the first time ever, approved a clinical trial to retard aging.  Clinicians will treat 3000 subjects for 6 years with a daily dose of metformin or a  placebo with the  goal of delaying the onset of age-related diseases ( tame trial).  Metformin treatment of animal models of aging reduced several hallmarks of aging and increased the lifespan.  Observational studies reported that older adults taking metformin for diabetes lived longer than their non diabetic counterparts not taking metformin.  Additionally, metformin offers several advantages: it is inexpensive, has few to no side effects, and has been on the market for more than 20 years with an excellent safety record.  Sadly this study has yet to start due to lack of public funding.

Critique and Considerations

Although there are numerous small pilot studies in the works as well as many completed studies, this is really only the beginning, albeit a remarkable endeavor.  In general, the success of some pilot studies suggests that the hypothesis of retarding the hallmarks of aging is worth pursuing.  However, these initial studies are of short duration and provide no information on long term adverse or toxic effects.  Therefore, larger and longer studies are essential but as with the metformin trial, serious financial support will be difficult to find.   Even clinical success of a repurposed drug offers little monetary reward for a multimillion dollar investment in a large long term clinical trial.  

Select References

Chaib S  Tchkonia T, Kirkland JL. Cellular senescence and senolytics: the path to the clinic. Nat Med. 28(8): 1556–1568, 2022.

Dai H, Sinclair DA, Ellis JL, Steegborn C. Sirtuin activators and inhibitors: Promises, achievements, and challenges. Pharmacol Ther. 188: 140–154, 2018.

Justice JN et al. Development of Clinical Trials to Extend Healthy Lifespan. Cardiovasc Endocrinol Metab 7:80–3, 2018.

Kennedy BK. et al., Aging: a common driver of chronic diseases and a target for novel interventions. Cell 159(4): 709–713, 2014. 

Kulkarni AS, et al. Metformin Regulates Metabolic and Non metabolic Pathways in Skeletal Muscle and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissues of Older Adults.  Aging Cell 17(2):e12723, 2018.

Lopez-Otin et al., The Hallmarks of Aging. 153(6): 1194–12171, 2013.

Luis C et al., Nutritional senolytics and senomorphics: Implications to immune cells metabolism and aging – from theory to practice. Front. Nutr. 9:958563, 2022.

Walters HE, Cox LS.  mTORC Inhibitors as Broad-Spectrum Therapeutics for Age-Related Diseases. Int. J. Mol. Sci.19: 2325, 2018.

Wissler EO et al., Strategies for Late Phase Preclinical and Early Clinical Trials of Senolytics. Mech Ageing Dev. 200: 111591, 2021

Explaining Life Expectancy


The most significant achievement of the twentieth century was the near doubling of human life expectancy from 47 to 76 years of age.  Although life expectancy is a demographic value, meaning it is an indicator of population aging, nevertheless, it reveals important aspects relevant to individual aging.  This blog will explain life expectancy with a specific focus on:  its determination and underlying assumption, the reasons for the dramatic increase since the 1900s and its relevance to healthy longevity.

What exactly is life expectancy?

“Life expectancy at birth represents the average number of years that a group of infants would live if the group was to experience throughout life the age-specific death rate present at the year of birth” (Murphy et al., 2013).  The unmet assumption lies right in the definition which states that the age-specific death rate at birth remains unchanged throughout life.  But since age-specific death rates change constantly throughout life, life expectancy, at best, represents an estimate of one’s possible lifespan.  Despite the unmet assumption, life expectancy also denotes the health of a population.  Accordingly, the US ranks 29th out of 38 similar developed countries in life expectancy (Organization for Economic Co-Operation and  Development, 2019).  Sadly, the US spends almost twice as much on healthcare compared to the average spending of the top ten countries with higher life expectancies (e.g. Norway, Australia, UK, Switzerland). (

Given its less than rigorous premise, life expectancy, however, consistently reveals an unexplained gender gap in which life expectancy of females exceeds that of males by approximately 4-5 years (topic of a future blog).  As of 2021 (Arias et al., 2022), life expectancy was 79.1 years for females, 73.2 years for males and 76.1 years average of both genders.  Secondly, in recent years, life expectancies of subpopulations based on Hispanic origin and race show significant differences.  Specifically, life expectancy (average of both genders) is highest for Asians (83.5 years), followed by Hispanics (77.7 years), Whites (76.4 years), Blacks (70.8 years) and American Indians/Alaska Native (65.2 years).  

Doubling of life expectancy and recent changes

First Half of Twentieth Century

The greatest improvement in life expectancy occurred in the first half of the twentieth century.  This resulted from societal advancements in the handling of sewage, sanitation, and clean water which came about after acceptance of the Germ Theory of Infections proposed by Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch and others.  The Germ Theory of Infections also opened the way for the development of vaccines for diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus and the launch of sulfa drugs and antibiotics e.g. penicillin.  Together, these changes decreased the mortality rate of infants and children, allowing them to survive to older ages, pushing life expectancy up.

Second Half of the Twentieth Century

The second half of the twentieth century also contributed to increasing life expectancy but in different ways and to a lesser extent.  There was a decrease in infant mortality with acceptance of hospital births favored over home births.  However, more significantly, there was a decline in mortality rates among older individuals due to several developments.  First, protocols for long term management of chronic diseases were established, especially for cardiovascular disease, the major killer of the elderly.  Specifically, identification of more effective drugs, implantable medical devices (pacemakers, stents, defibrillators) and safer surgical procedures added years and increased life expectancy in the US population.  Secondly, access to Medicare and Medicaid provided affordable health care for many. Thirdly, a scientific focus on aging ushered in effective lifestyle choices to maintain the healthspan and decrease mortality.

2014 to 2017

Life expectancy peaked in 2014 at 78.9 years (average of both genders).  A slight decrease in life expectancy occurred from 2015-2017 and might not be significant except for the fact that even this small decline was, unprecedented and due, unfortunately, in large part to an increased mortality rate in young individuals from drug overdoses (opioids), suicides, homicides, and an uptick in deaths in older adults due to Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular disease (Harper et al., 2021). 


Life expectancy experienced a sizeable (0.9-1.8 year) decline in 2020 (77 years) and 2021 (76.1 years), considered the biggest two-year decline in life expectancy since 1921-1923 (CDC National Center for Health Statistics).  This decrease in life expectancy is no surprise.  It resulted from the spike in deaths due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), better known as the COVID-19 pandemic.  Sadly, many of the negative factors identified in 2015-2017 such as drug overdoses remained an additional contributing factor to the decline in life expectancy in 2020 and 2021. 

Significance of life expectancy to aging

From the discussion above, it is evident that many incredible societal and medical advances have removed environmental hazards, thereby, permitting individuals to reach older ages and in some cases approach the true life span (~119 years of age) of man.  Despite this, the rate of aging in humans has not changed.  In fact, if the life expectancy graphs are transformed to yield a value called the mortality rate doubling time for humans, it is apparent that from the 1900s onward, the mortality rate doubling time remains constant at 8 years beginning at puberty (lowest mortality rate).  Since the mortality rate at puberty is extremely low, doubling that every 8 years gets one to about 119 years of age, which is the oldest validated age reached by humans.

Life expectancy and lifespan

Life expectancy relates to the characteristic human rate of aging. The rate of aging relates to survival, hence lifespan and longevity.  While the human-specific mortality rate signifies inevitable physiological deterioration, it does not mean that aging is biologically programmed.  Far from it, no master “age-directing” programs (genetic or otherwise) are known to exist.  Aging is highly variable from one person to another exactly because it results primarily from environment  factors (e.g. lifestyle choices) and the complex interaction of the environment with our genes (see Insight 1).   

Gerontological investigations show that age changes accrue due to the slow loss of stress resistance, also referred to as loss of essential maintenance and repair mechanisms. Lifestyle choices that optimize those systems of maintenance and repair minimize aging.  Previous blogs discuss many of these lifestyle choices, in particular the 4-prong exercise program (aerobics, resistance, balance, stretch)(see Insight 2; Insight 3: Ways to retard skeletal muscle aging ; Insight 4: Anti-aging benefits of aerobic and stretch exercises; Insight 5 – Optimizing Balance) enhance these maintenance and repair mechanisms to optimize stress resistance.

Expansion or Compression of Healthspan

Does the increase in life expectancy (longevity) evident over the last 100 years come with extra years of health (absence of disease and disability) or with an extension of disease and disability (extended senescent span)?  At present there is no consensus on an answer. This is because there is no agreement on a) exactly what is an age-related disease, b) whether disease is more important than disability and c) how to quantify the social/psychological impact of disease/disability on quality of life.  However, if one considers the ongoing effort of the scientific community to precisely define biological pathways involved in aging and to validate, through clinical trials, effective ways to minimize aging, it seems that each individual should be able to achieve extra years with health rather than with disease and disability.

Change in Life Expectance from 1900 to the Present

Arias E, Tejada-Vera, Kochanek KD, hmad FB.  Provisional Life Expectancy Estimates for 2021. Vital Statistics Surveillance Report, August 2022. 

Harper S, Riddell CA, King NB.  Declining Life Expectancy in the United States: Missing the Trees for the Forest. Annu. Rev. Public Health  42:381–403, 2021

Murphy SL, Xu J, Kochanek KD. Deaths: final data for 2010.  Natl Vital Stat. Rep 61: 1-118, 2013.

Vitamin-mineral supplements: Are they beneficial?


Are supplements of vitamins and minerals beneficial? Approximately 80% of the elderly (60 years and older) regularly consume vitamin and mineral supplements without understanding whether such supplements are beneficial or harmful.

There are several reasons for the high consumption of vitamin and mineral supplements by the older adult.

 a)  There is a widespread unfounded concern that their current diet may be deficient in vitamins and minerals, hence necessitating supplements. 

b)  There is a desire to reduce the risk of disease such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.  Vitamin and mineral supplements are believed to lower this risk. 

c)  There is the common wish to forestall age changes such as cognitive decline.  As promoted in advertisements, supplements may minimize age changes. 

d)  Then there is the only demonstrated reason for taking vitamin and mineral supplements and that is to treat a known vitamin/mineral deficiency arising from disease, frailty, chemotherapy or an incredibly poor diet.

This blog will discuss the findings that show

1.  vitamin and mineral supplements do not decrease disease risk or age-related changes,

2.  that most diets supply adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals and

3.  only documented vitamin and mineral deficiencies should be treated with supplements.


Vitamin and mineral supplements are classified as dietary supplements.  Dietary supplements are essentially ingested ingredients intended to supplement the diet ( Other dietary supplements include herbs and botanicals, probiotics, amino acids, to name a few.

The FDA loosely regulates dietary supplements.  Regulation covers the right to examine manufacturing facilities, handle complaints of adverse effects, and receive required notification for new supplements not found in food.  However, the FDA does not assess dietary supplements for safety or efficacy as required for a new drug prior to marketing.  Essentially, dietary supplements are regulated as a special category of foods.  Certain health claims are permitted as long as the supplement displays the FDA’s disclaimer that the product has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.  Thus, it is the manufacturer of the supplement that determines the quality and quantity of dietary supplements.

The dietary supplement industry is a multibillion dollar industry with projected continued growth. Ironically, it is especially lucrative in developed countries where there is an abundance of nutritious and fortified foods.  The most popular dietary supplements in the US are the vitamin/mineral supplements, followed by vitamin D, then omega-3 fatty acid, calcium and vitamin B12 (Mishra S et al., 2021).  

Vitamin and mineral supplements do not decrease the risk of disease.

The diseases in question are non communicable age-related diseases: cardiovascular disease, cancers, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease. 

The conclusion derived from results of the most rigorous clinical trials to date is that use of vitamin and mineral supplements, together or individually (for up to 16 years or more) do not decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease (and associated events e.g. stroke), cancer, type II diabetes, chronic kidney disease and all-cause mortality (Fortmann et al., 2013; Semsek et al., 2021; O’Connor et al., 2022). 

Study Details

The reviews cited above critiqued hundreds of relevant clinical studies, selecting those with definitive objectives and measurable endpoints.  Study duration ranged from 3 to 36 years with most under 10 yrs. Vitamins and minerals were either commercially available multivitamins or select vitamins and minerals prepared by the principal investigators.  These studies enrolled healthy adults without nutritional deficiencies.  Some early studies reported beneficial effects of vitamin and mineral supplements on disease risk but as the authors point out, these were observational studies that cannot control for confounding factors such as randomization of participants.  As a result of this flaw, the observed positive effects of supplements in observational studies cannot be separated from other significantly influencing factors such as  lifestyle choices of physical exercise and healthy eating.  

Reported Harm

It is noted that two clinical trials reported a borderline statistical decrease in cancer risk in men taking multivitamins and minerals (Hercberg et al., 2004; Grazino et al., 2012).  This minor effect, evident only in men, was not strong enough to alter the main conclusion that use of vitamin and mineral supplements do not provide a health benefit regarding disease suppression.  Furthermore, some vitamins alone or in combination actually increased risk of lung cancer.  Specifically, several trials showed increased lung cancer risk with use of beta-carotene (converted to vitamin A in the body)  alone or in combination with vitamin A and an increase in prostate cancer in smokers using vitamin E (Zhang et al., 2020).

Vitamin and mineral supplements do not reduce age-related changes.

A comprehensive literature addressing this issue does not exist at present.  Here is the current understanding.

Aging of Bone 

Vitamin D is an important player in maintaining bone density and hence optimizing bone strength to prevent breakage from a fall.  However, the body receives vitamin D from many sources such as sunshine-dependent synthesis in the skin and kidney, from a number of foods (tofu, seafood) and with consumption of fortified cereals and juices.

A recent review (Giustina et al., 2022) published a consensus statement that after reviewing the best studies to date, found that with the exception of house-bound or nursing home residents, the elderly receive sufficient amount of vitamin D from diverse sources mentioned above and hence do not need vitamin D supplements.  However, if in doubt, a simple blood test can determine whether the vitamin D level is at adequate (established range 30 to 50 nmol/L; 12–20 ng/mL).

Aging of the brain 

Although there are many proven ways to optimize cognitive function (see Insight 6 – More longevity building: Ways to minimize brain aging), older adults obsess about their mental acuity.  Two studies (Grodstein et al., 2013; Baker et al., 2022) examined the effect of daily use of a commercially available multivitamin (containing minerals).  The first of the two, the Physicians’ Health Study II measured cognitive function 4 times over a 12 year period. 

Nearly 6000 males ≥ 65 years (included nearly 6,000)participated in the first study.  This study found no effect of supplements on cognitive test scores.  The second study was smaller with a test group of 500 participants. This study included both men and women and assessed cognitive function annually over a 3 year period.  This study concluded that global cognitive scores improved with supplementation. 

Whether supplements benefit the mind remains unresolved with these conflicting results. However, there are some interesting aspects to these two studies.  Both studies, although using comparable and acceptable cognitive tests, measured cognitive function over the telephone.  The investigators indicate that telephone testing is less expensive and yields the same results as in-person testing.  The reference for this was the comparison to in-person test results of 24 individuals.  Secondly, there was a expected “practice” effect with repeat testing in both studies.  This means the test scores increase with repeat testing in both the supplement group and the placebo group.  As a result, the benefit reported in the second study on the last round of testing is modest at best.  Whether this small effect will translate into significant mental acuity in daily life was not measured and remains unknown. 

Healthy adults are unlikely to be vitamin and mineral deficient.

The Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council determines the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of essential nutrients including vitamins and minerals (  This board defines RDAs as “the levels of intake of essential nutrients that, on the basis of scientific knowledge, are judged by the Food and Nutrition Board to be adequate to meet the known nutrient needs of practically all healthy persons.”  They also indicate that consumption of a varied diet (“variety of foods from diverse food groups”) achieves the RDA for vitamins and minerals for most adults.   In addition, the availability of fortified foods further assures attainment of the RDA.  

Vitamin and mineral supplements ameliorate confirmed vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Scientists define nutritional deficiencie as “intake of nutrients that is lower than the estimated average requirement” (Kiani et al, 2022).   Nutritional deficiencies are likely in situations of poor appetite due to medications, frailty syndrome and metabolic diseases limiting nutrient absorption.  Symptoms and low blood concentrations of vitamins and minerals alert the physician to a possible deficiency.  Uncorrected vitamin/mineral deficiencies definitely lead to serious debilitating conditions. They are goiter (iodine), rickets (and osteomalacia) (vitamin D), beriberi (thiamine, B1), pellagra (niacin, B3), and pernicious anemia (B12).  Correcting vitamin/mineral deficiencies under physician supervision is necessary. It should be the only reason older adults should consume select vitamin/mineral supplements.


There is little convincing evidence for the older adult to take vitamin and mineral supplements.  Diets provide adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals and supplements do not lower the risk for age-related diseases.

In place of supplements

To minimize disease risk and age-related age changes, scientist suggest alternatives to supplements that include the following:

a) adherence to the Mediterranean and related diets (Insight 10-Best Longevity diet = Mediterranean Diet), b) commitment to a physical exercise program (Insight 3: Ways to retard skeletal muscle aging Insight 4: Anti-aging benefits of aerobic and stretch exercises, Insight 5 – Optimizing Balance) c)engagement in mentally challenging activities (Insight 6 – More longevity building: Ways to minimize brain aging) and d) adequate sleep (Insight 7 – Brain Health and Sleep).


Baker et al., Effects of cocoa extract and a multivitamin on cognitive function: A randomized clinical trial. Alzheimers Dement  Sep 14, 2022.

Fortmann SP et al., Vitamin and Mineral Supplements in the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer: An Updated Systematic Evidence Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Ann Intern Med.159:  824-834, 2013.

Giustina A. et al., Vitamin D in the older population: a consensus statement Endocrine. Oct 26:1-14, 2022.

Grodstein et al., A Randomized Trial of Long-term Multivitamin Supplementation and Cognitive Function in Men: The Physicians’ Health Study II  Ann Intern Med. 159(12): 806–814, 2013.

Kiani et al, Main nutritional deficiencies. J Prev Med Hyg  63(SUPPL. 3): E93-E101, 2022.

Mishra S et al., Dietary Supplement Use Among Adults: United States, 2017–2018  NCHS Data Brief No. 399, Feb;(399):1-8, 2021.

O’Connor EA et al., Vitamin, Mineral, and Multivitamin Supplementation for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer: A Systematic Evidence Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Evidence Synthesis, No. 209 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US);  Jun Report No: 21-05278-EF-1, 2021.

Simsek B. et al., Effects of vitamin supplements on clinical cardiovascular outcomes: Time to move on! – a Comprehensive review. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 42:  1-14, 2021

Zhang et al., Health effects of vitamin and mineral supplements BMJ  369: m2511, 2020.

Future of Anti-aging Medication: Senotherapy


Because all of our life phases (birth to adulthood) are driven by genetic programs, one naturally assumes genetic programs dictate age changes.  Sadly, they do not (see Insight 1).  In fact our genes contribute at most, 25% to aging.  Thus, 75% of aging is due to one’s lifestyle choices.

Unfortunately, study results show that only a small percentage of elderly actually practice validated and effective activities to minimize aging.  Therefore, for the majority of elderly, this blog brings deliverance in the knowledge of the rapidly developing pharmacological field of senotherapy, with the purpose to reduce disease risk by retarding aging.  It is hoped that senotherapy becomes a supplement to anti-aging lifestyle choices practiced by the individual.

This blog will discuss senotherapy and its merits.  However, since safe and effective senotherapy is not available today but clearly in expected in the near future, it is worthwhile to review known beneficial and anti-aging lifestyle choices.

Proven Activities to Retard Aging

Until senotherapy is common practice, there are many effective ways to retard aging and hence, reduce the risk for disease.  Some of these activities are: 


1.  COMMITMENT TO A COMPLETE EXERCISE PROGRAM that includes aerobics and stretch (Insight 4: Anti-aging benefits of aerobic and stretch exercises), resistance exercises (Insight 2), balance exercises (Insight 5) .  Numerous benefits include enhanced blood flow to all tissues, stable heart function, stronger muscles, greater flexibility and balance. These all translate into greater independence, reduced risk of falls and decreased disease risk. Other benefits include improved insulin sensitivity especially benefiting from a program of resistance exercise (Insight 18 Vicious Cycle – Aging and Declining Blood Sugar Control).

2.  ADHERENCE TO THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET, a plant-based diet  reduces risks for many diseases including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancers, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases (Insight 10). 

3,  PRACTICE OF POSITIVE NEUROPLASTICITY that consist of a) continual engagement in career activities by not retiring, part time retirement, volunteer work or a new career, b) learning new skills e.g. foreign language or musical instrument, c) maintaining social contacts and d) physical exercise program (Insight 6 ).  These activities promote optimal brain function.

4.  AWARENESS OF SPECIFIC MAINTENANCE/PRESERVATION ACTIVITIES OF SENSORY ORGANS can preserve normal sight, hearing, smell and tactile/proprioceptive senses.  This awareness includes use of reading glasses to correct age-related loss of near vision; avoidance of exposure to chronic loud noises e.g. rock concerts, yard tools, to prevent hearing loss (Insight 16 How to Prevent Hearing Loss ), avoidance of exposure to harsh chemicals e.g. Clorox to prevent decline in smell and routine balance exercises to prime sensory neurons (proprioceptors) in joints, ligaments, muscles (Insight 5 – Optimizing Balance).  Accidents, falls, fuzzy thinking results from diminished sensory function.  Physiologically normal sensory function is essential for independent living.    


1.  CHOOSE ACTIVITIES THAT AVOID THE FOLLOWING:   UVA radiation is a known cause of aging skin and skin cancer.  The risk of both are lessened dramatically with routine use of sunscreens, termed broad spectrum.  Compounds classified as broad spectrum sunscreens specifically block UVA  rays from penetrating deep into the skin (Insight 12 -Ways to forestall aging of the skin). 

2. Avoidance of tobacco smoking is absolutely necessary to prevent accelerated aging and enhanced risk of disease including cardiovascular and cancer diseases.  Each inhalation brings in over 1000 toxins that damage precious molecules e.g. DNA, proteins, and lipids.  There are several ways to quit smoking.  Success can result from use of nicotine replacement therapies such as transdermal nicotine patch, nicotine gum, nicotine lozenge and/or pharmaceuticals such as the anti-depressant, bupropion (Zyban) or partial nicotine agonist, varenicline (Chantix) plus physician support with advice and behavioral therapy.

Anti-aging Medication: Senotherapy

Senotherapy is the pharmacological approach to eliminate or modify aged or senescent cells.  This approach will undoubtedly serve those who choose to ignore the clinically proven activities discussed above to retard aging and reduce the risk for disease.  The validated activities delineated above are critically important because they reduce the stress-related factors that cause a cell to age.

Background on Senotherapy

It has been known for some time now that as one ages, the cells in each tissue begin to change.  They increase in size, cease normal function and become bad actors, producing a myriad number of unwanted substances e.g. pro-inflammatory and other destructive agents that harm near-by healthy cells.  Sadly, senescent cells skirt around the biological mechanisms to identify and eliminate them.  Hence, their presence clearly promotes aging of tissues and sets the stage for the first steps to disease.

In consideration of the serious consequences of persistent senescent cells, research interest in senotherapy has blossomed significantly.  Approximately 12 compounds have been evaluated in aged mice or mouse models of disease.  The results of these studies have in many cases been dramatic with reduction in the number of senescent cells and their debilitating functions.  For example, reports show benefits on improved function in kidneys, skeletal muscles, liver and lungs.  Also reported were reduced inflammation in the brain, and increased skeletal muscle regeneration.  

Pilot Studies in Man

Several small pilot studies in man have used senotherapy in conditions of pulmonary fibrosis, macular degeneration, and cardiovascular disease.  Although the results are promising, caution is needed since these studies were of short duration (days/weeks), included few participants (7-13) and used a single dose.  Future studies will surely address these issues and others such as long term adverse effects.

Summary of discussion on anti-aging strategies.  What the individual can do and what might be in the future as an aid.
Anti-aging Strategies


In this rush to pharmacologically retard aging, we should not ignore the wealth of data from clinical trials that already exists to minimize cellular aging as continually discussed in prior blogs.  Senotherapy seeks to develop selective drugs to eliminate or minimize the effects of aged cells.  Scientific interest is high because aging is the main risk factor for disease, so to eliminate age changes will significantly decrease disease incidence. 

Select reference (Pubmed)

Bilder, G. Human Biological Aging: from macromolecules to organ-systems.  John Wiley & Sons Publishers, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2016.

Iftikhar U et al., How to Effectively Help Patients Stop Smoking: A Primer for Cardiologists. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 38: 1442-1445, 2022.

Justice JN et al., Senolytics in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Results from a first-in-human, open-label, pilot study. EBioMedicine 40:554-563, 2019.

L’Hote V. et al., From the divergence of senescent cell fates to mechanisms and selectivity of senolytic . Open Biol. 12: 220171, 2022.

Raffaele M., Vinciguera M. The costs and benefits of senotherapeutics for human health.  Lancet Healthy Longev 3: e67–77, 2022.

West, R.  Tobacco smoking: Health impact, prevalence, correlates and nterventions. Psychology & Health,  32:  1018-1036, 2017.

Importance and Harm of AGEs

Blog 22 Introduction

AGEs, the acronym for advanced glycation end products are heterogeneous chemical entities of utmost importance in aging and age-related pathologies.  These chemical products are generated in the foods we eat and they are also generated in the body.  This blog will describe the importance and harm of AGEs and their role in aging.

Initial Importance and Harm of AGEs

The importance and harm of AGEs begins with their discovery. AGEs (also called glyotoxins) were discovered more than 100 years ago by the French physician/chemist, Louis Maillard.  He studied the non enzymatic oxidation between sugars and proteins which generated final products of dark polymers.  These products were of interest because they were endowed with properties of pleasing aroma and taste, highly desirable in foods.  AGEs are one of the many final products of this oxidation reaction, popularly termed, the “browning” reaction.  The “browning” reaction is familiar as it occurs in all foods subjected to high temperatures and may involve oxidations by sugars not only of proteins but also lipids and nucleic acids. 

External AGEs – Generated in Foods

Foods subjected to high temperatures for short periods of time generate significant amounts of AGEs (see a introductory short list below).  Some examples of foods with high concentrations of AGEs include toast, baked goods, processed foods, and fried, broiled and grilled meats.  Fresh fruits and vegetables contain minimal amounts of AGEs.  In comparison, grilled meats (standard serving size) contain AGEs at  several hundred times the amount found in fresh fruits and vegetables.  Several specific methods (generally targeting N-carboxymethyl lysine) are used to measure the concentration of AGEs in foods. 

Internal AGEs – Generated in the Body

The importance and harm of AGEs continues with the discovery of their internal generation. Thus, in addition to AGEs in certain foods, glycations (oxidation by sugars) also occur in the body at physiological temperatures.  Unlike AGEs generated in foods, AGEs generated in the body require a longer time period of generation (months, years).  However, AGE formation is accelerated by the presence of persistent high levels of blood sugar.  A familiar method that measures internal AGEs is  the A1C .  This test measures the glycation of sugar with the hemoglobin protein.  As such it gives an estimate of blood sugar level over time.  Although results of the A1C test are used to manage diabetes, they also give an indication of the oxidative damage occurring elsewhere to other internal proteins.

Internal Pools of AGEs

The body’s internal pools of AGEs are derived from

 a)  oral intake of exogenous AGEs (10-30% of intake is absorbed by intestines, 30% excreted by the kidneys and 60% remaining, continues to circulate and create problems and

b)  endogenous AGE production driven by persistent elevation of blood glucose (resulting from dietary carbohydrates, stress, lack of exercise) further exacerbated by consumption of fructose (sweetened beverages). 

Importance of Processing of AGEs

Fortunately, the body’s pool of AGEs is moderated by several cellular detoxification mechanisms.  One of the best occurs through the uptake by specialized cells called macrophages.  AGEs taken up by these cells are detoxified and create no further problems.  However, as this pathway becomes overwhelmed, AGEs are free to bind to and activate specific receptors, termed RAGE receptors found on most cells.  Uptake by the RAGE receptor is undesirable because it activates an unwanted  chronic inflammatory response.

Harmful Effects of AGEs

1.  Activation of  RAGE receptors by AGEs initiates an inflammatory response.  Acute inflammatory responses are absolutely essential for wound healing but in contrast, continual low level inflammation as with activation of RAGE receptors is detrimental.  The response produces an abundance of inflammatory mediators such as cytokines which induce constant tissue damage and thus contribute to the pathologies of  atherosclerosis, T2D, uremia and neurodegenerative diseases.  

2.  AGEs formed internally result in cross linkages between proteins.  AGE-dependent cross linkage is abundantly evident in collagen, a long lived support protein found in most tissues. Cross linkage of collagen (or any protein) is harmful because it a) alters structure, b) hinders function and c) results in perturbations of vital matrix, material surrounding cells.  In the case of collagen, cross linkage results in tissue stiffness and hence reduced function in arteries, heart, kidney, bone, and skin. 

Some important consequences of AGEs are

a)   exercise intolerance which means early onset of fatigue during exercise,

b)  development of systolic hypertension where systolic pressure is 160 mm Hg or more and diastolic is less than 90 mm Hg,

c)  eventual heart and kidney failure and

d)  sun-exposed wrinkles and sags. 

Avoidance of AGEs

Clinical trial results have validated ways to reduce AGE accumulation in the body.  These include consumption of a diet low in AGEs, such as the Mediterranean diet (see blog 10), a diet of fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts and fish, and adherence to cooking practices that favor poaching and steaming generally at low temperatures for short periods in place of oven-frying, deep frying, broiling, and roasting.  Efforts are underway to develop new technologies for cooking foods with minimal generation of AGEs while retaining flavor and taste (a topic of a future blog).  Maintaining a fasting glucose level below 100 mg/dl is also prudent (Blogs 18/19 Vicious Cycle – Aging and Declining Blood Sugar Control; Stress Response and Sugar Control)

Relative Amounts of AGEs in Select Food Items


AGEs are harmful chemical entities.  They are ingested in foods that have been prepared at high temperatures.  They are made internally in the presence of persistent high glucose levels.  AGEs that are not detoxified contribute to chronic inflammation and protein cross linkage, both of which contribute to accelerated aging and disease.  For the present, avoidance of foods high in AGEs and maintenance of  low blood sugar are the best strategies to avoid accumulation and organ damage from AGEs.


1.  Vistroli V, DeMaddis D, Cipak A et al.  Advanced glycoxidation and lipoxidation end products (AGEs and ALEs): an overview of their mechanisms of formation.  Free Radical Research 47:sup1, 3-27, 2013

2.  Gill V, Kumar V, Singh K et al.  Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) May Be a Striking Link Between Modern Diet and Health.  Biomolecules 9:  888, 2019

3.  Nowotny K, Schroter D, Schreiner M, Grune T.  Dietary advanced glycation end products and their relevance for human health.  Ageing Research Reviews 47:  55–66, 2018.

4. Falavena P et al., Formation of advanced glycation end products by novel food processing technologies: A review. Food Chemistry 393: 133338, 2022

Inappropriate Medications for the Elderly

Blog 21 –  Adverse Drug Reactions, Part II


The prescribing of inappropriate medications for the elderly creates for them an unnecessary burden, physically and financially.  As noted in Blog 20, and further described here, prescribing of potentially inappropriate medications is one of several acknowledged reasons for adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in the older adult.  

ADRs are harmful and potentially life-threatening reactions dependent on medication use.  ADRs require readjustment or stoppage of the medication.  The elderly are especially sensitive to ADRs as a result of age changes that affect many aspects of drug handling by the body, comorbidities and multiple drug use (see Blog 20).  Prescribing of potentially inappropriate medications brings with it needless ADRs.  This blog will define inappropriate medications according to the Beers Criteria.  It will also discuss the importance of this topic and reasonable ways to avoid ADRs.

Potentially Inappropriate Medications – Origins

Slightly more than 30 years ago, JM Beers organized a panel of clinical experts to systematically categorize appropriate and inappropriate medications in nursing homes (Beers et al., 1991).  From this insightful investigation developed the Beers Criteria, a thoughtfully researched  and expertly evaluated presentation of drugs considered as inappropriate medications for the elderly.  Experts update the Beers Criteria every 3 years with the most recent update published in 2019 (see references).

Potentially Inappropriate Medications – Reasons for drug selection

Medications on the Beers Criteria are there for several reasons.  These are medications that

a)  on average should be avoided in the elderly due to data on age changes,

b)  are to be avoided in elderly with certain conditions,

c)  have low efficacy and hence the risks outweigh benefits and for which there are safer and more efficacious drugs,

d)  are known to interact poorly with commonly used essential drugs and

e)  require extremely careful dosing due to kidney disease

As with all advice on drug use, there are additional issues to consider.  Over time “inappropriate medications” on Beers Criteria became “potentially inappropriate medications”.  This recognizes the possibility that some patients may do well (efficacy in the absence of expected ADRs) with a drug considered inappropriate and, therefore, the caregiver/patient are the final arbiters.

Potentially Inappropriate Medications – Specific classes and drugs

Using medication data from Medicare Part D participants, Toth et al., (2022) reported that inappropriate medications prescribed most frequently fell into one of the following classes of drugs:  proton pump  inhibitors, benzodiazepines and antipsychotics.  These frequently prescribed potentially inappropriate medications are detailed below. Additional potential inappropriate medications (partial list) are presented in the schematic at the end of the blog.  

Proton Pump Inhibitors

Drugs classified as proton pump inhibitors act by blocking acid secretion in the stomach.  Thus, these drugs are useful in the treatment of acid-related disorders e.g. peptic ulcer, gastric reflux.  Drugs in this class are inappropriate for the elderly for several reasons:  Firstly, chronic use is associated with increased risk of bone loss. This would add to the presence of reduced bone density, common in the elderly.  As bone density decreases, the risk of fracture increases.  Fractures are costly, both financially and physically, limiting mobility and independence. Secondly, chronic acid suppression allows for overgrowth of harmful bacteria and use of proton pump inhibitors is associated with the onset of Clostridium difficile infection, a severe bacterial infection that is difficult to eliminate.  Omeprazole (Prilosec) is a proton pump inhibitor that is frequently prescribed.


Drugs labeled benzodiazepines act in the brain to reduce anxiety and induce sedation.  As such they are anxiolytic and hypnotic drugs.  These drugs are inappropriate in the elderly because they hinder memory and additionally are associated with an increased risk of falls. Reduction of memory at any age is unwanted.    Increased risk of falls is highly associated with a fracture with serious consequences.  Additionally, these drugs are addictive.  Commonly prescribed benzodiazepines are alprazolam (Xanax), and lorazepam (Ativan),


Antipsychotics act on the brain to suppress psychosis.  These drugs are also sedating and associated with onset of abnormal muscles twitching.  Their use is inappropriate in psychosis associated with Parkinson’s Disease as they exacerbate the disease-dependent muscular dysfunction.  They are also inappropriate in individuals with dementia or cognitive impairment.  Since these drugs are sedating, they are inappropriate in individuals with a history of falls.  Commonly prescribed antipsychotics are quetiapine (Seroquel) and risperidone (Respirdal).

Future Steps

The prevalence of exposure in the elderly to potentially inappropriate medications varies between ~14% to 41% or more depending on the population under study.  Fortunately, the prevalence of prescribing potentially inappropriate medications has declined a few percentage points from 2013 to 2019 (Clark et al., 2020).  This is an encouraging start.  Additionally, there is effort by the medical community to  educate physicians, pharmacists, all prescribing care givers and patients on this issue.  This should further reduce prescribing of potentially inappropriate medications.

Common Sense Approach to Avoidance of ADRs

  • Non pharmacological interventions should always be tried first (see Blogs 2,3,10,11).  Interventions e.g. exercise and diet are highly successful strategies to prevent and moderate diseases such as Type II  diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), and heart disease.
  • Older adults taking medications should establish clear goals and endpoints with their physician and continually re-evaluate them.  Every patient needs to know exactly why the medication is prescribed and what to expect from it, that is, how to know if it is working and therefore, worth taking. 
  • It is important to reduce polypharmacy (simultaneous use of more than 4 medications).  The higher the number of prescribed drugs, the greater the risk for ADRs.  Each patient and physician should review drugs frequently and endeavor to eliminate duplicates, and potentially inappropriate medications and keep only the essential drugs.
  • In reduction of polypharmacy, the usage of some drugs is terminated.  Drug withdrawal should be a serious undertaking.  Dose reduction should always be as slow as possible, extending over weeks and months, thereby avoiding unnecessary ADRs.
  • The actual drug dose is critical to avoiding ADRs.  It is common sense to start with the lowest dose possible and increase slowly, if at all.  The use of higher doses requires convincing justification.
Some Additional Potentially Inappropriate Medications


Based on Beers Criteria, an updated assessment of potentially inappropriate medications for the elderly is available to prescribing caregivers and pharmacists.  Drugs on this list negatively interact with age changes in the elderly and hence are potentially inappropriate medications and are responsible for ADRs.  ADRs can be avoided if physicians as well as the patients are informed about the main causes of ADRs and how to prevent them.


2019 American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria Update Expert Panel.   American Geriatrics Society 2019 Updated AGS Beers Criteria® for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults.  J Am Geriatr Soc. 67(4):674-694, 2019.

Beers et al., Explicit criteria for determining inappropriate medication use in nursing home residents. UCLA Division of Geriatric Medicine Arch Intern Med.  151(9):1825-32, 1991.

Clark CM et al., Potentially Inappropriate Medications Are Associated with Increased Healthcare Utilization and Costs. J Am Geriatr Soc 68(11): 2542–2550, 2020.

Croke L. Beers Criteria for inappropriate mediation use in older patients: An update from the AGS. Am Fam Physician. 101(1):56-57, 2020.

Fernandes de Oliveira RMA et al., Potentially inappropriate medication use in hospitalized elderly patients. Rev Assoc Med Bras 68(6): 797-801, 2022.

Fralick M et al., Estimating the Use of Potentially Inappropriate Medications Among Older Adults in the United States. J Am Geriatr Soc. 68(12):2927-2930, 2020.

Toth JM et al., Prescribing trends of proton pump inhibitors, antipsychotics and benzodiazepines of Medicare part d providers. BMC Geriatrics  22:306-321, 2022.

Steinman MA. How to Use the AGS 2015 Beers Criteria – A Guide for Patients, Clinicians, Health Systems, and Payors.  J Am Geriatr Soc. 63(12): e1–e7, 2015..